The South Coast Pastel Society

South Coast Pastel Society

The Society meets four times a year at Malua Bay Community Hall. These are notified to members by email. You can also find information about our next scheduled Meetings under What’s On menu on this site.

Paint Outs – “Plein air” painting
Outdoor sessions are held on most Tuesdays of the month at various locations around the area. They provide an opportunity for members to improve their skills and have fun while providing support and encouragement for one another.  Contact Eric Strachan on 44721070 or Warren Jones on 44716396 for information about Paint Outs. Members are notified of the location and starting time in the minutes and  and on our website.

The Society holds several member only exhibitions each year. These are generally held over the January Long Weekend, at Easter or during April School Holidays and the October Long Weekend.

The SCPS has held Open National Pastel exhibitions with prizes in excess of $4,000.

A variety of Workshops are offered each year. These workshops are designed to cater for people of all ages and abilities. Beginners and people with disabilities are catered for in workshops run by members. Art activities for children and young people are offered during the January and October Exhibitions including activities such as Pavement Painting and pastel on canvas.

For more experienced artists workshops with master pastelists and experienced tutors, both international, national and local are offered each year. These provide invaluable learning opportunities with some of the best!

SCPS Website –
All members are entitled to have an artist’s gallery with up to 10 images on our website plus a brief artist’s biography. There are also opportunities for your images to be included in our information brochure and other advertising.

Discounts on Art Supplies
Amanda’s of Mogo, Framefast, Mogo Village Framers and Hammond Framing give 10% discount to members,

The idea of a Pastel Society was conceived in the late eighties by a small group of artists led by the late Lee Miller – a local and well known artist who exhibited in his own gallery in Mogo.

Lee established the formal structure of the group, and made his gallery available for exhibitions. He facilitated the exhibitions of members’ work in other regional areas such as Bathurst, Canberra and Goulburn, leading to the incorporation of the Society in 1994.

Aims and objectives, Code of Conduct and Meeting Procedure

The South Coast Pastel Society Inc (SCPS ) is a not – for – profit association operated by volunteers. The Society operates according to The Department of Fair Trading NSW Model Rules and  the Associations Incorporation Regulation Act 2016. Additional Policies, Procedures and Protocols have been developed and guided by Volunteering Australia’s Guidelines.

The SCPS provides a “place” where working artists and interested parties can get together to appreciate the beauty of pastel painting.

The Societys objectives and core activities are:

  • To develop the skills and knowledge of pastel painting
  • To encourage an appreciation of the beauty of pastel painting
  • To encourage community involvement in the fine arts and pastel painting in particular.

As a community arts organisation the SCPS through its member services, provides access to opportunities for our participants to learn and develop in a supportive and friendly environment. This is achieved through the following activities:

Regular meetings of the elected committee of management of the association who, under the Act, manage and control the affairs of the association. Decisions made in the interest of the members of the SCPS at these meetings, are then communicated to the general membership. These meetings are minuted and distributed to all members of the management committee.

Regular general meetings are held quarterly, where members are informed about the activities the SCPS will be offering, news of art exhibitions, ideas, knowledge and techniques are shared through “Show and tell”, discussion and presentations. These meetings are minuted and sent to all members.

Paint Outs which are held on Tuesdays, which provide an opportunity for members to improve their skills and have fun painting in a supportive environment.

Exhibitions which are held for members three times a year.

 Workshops which are offered for both members and the wider community. These workshops cater for artists and aspiring artists of all ages and abilities.


Code of Conduct


The purpose of this policy is to provide a code of conduct for the members/volunteers of the SOUTH COAST PASTEL SOCIETY Inc. (also known as the “SCPS”) and includes all its activities.


This policy applies to all volunteers registered with the SOUTH COAST PASTEL SOCIETY Inc. and through all activities relating to the SOUTH COAST PASTEL SOCIETY Inc.

Policy statement

The South Coast Pastel Society values integrity, honesty, fairness  and professionalism, and strives to ensure excellent communication, throughout all its activities.

The SCPS expects all volunteers to abide by the following :

  • Perform their duties honestly, professionally and with integrity
  • Respect customers/clients/members of the public
  • Agree to respect other members and volunteers, display cooperation, courtesy and respect for equal opportunity, and assist in the establishment of a workplace free of discrimination and harassment.
  • Respect workplace health and safety issues.
  • Respect the organisation’s procedures, including meeting procedure*
  • Refrain from using SCPS activities for personal gain
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of volunteers/ staff/ customers/ clients/ members of the public, including the divulging of contact information etc.
  • Disclose any conflict of interest, and withdraw from the activity if required
  • Refrain from corrupt and/or illegal conduct
  • Uphold the good reputation of the SCPS in dealings with the general public
  • Provide/allow the provision of all necessary checks (including police checks/working with children checks, etc.) if/when working with children/vulnerable people, or whenever else required.
  • Use the organisation’s resources and the organisation’s information appropriately

*See specific policies


  • A ‘Volunteer’ is any member of the SCPS, including those that hold office
  • A ‘Member’ is any person that is currently financial with the SCPS or a life


  • Breaches of the above code of conduct will result in investigation of the alleged breach by the management committee, and may result in suspension, dismissal from office or expulsion.

South Coast Pastel Society Meeting Procedure

Meetings of the SCPS Management Committee and General Meetings are conducted according to the following format. An Agenda is prepared by the President or their representative and is distributed to all committee members.

  1. Welcome
  2. Present and Apologies
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Business Arising
  5. Correspondence In and Out
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. General Business
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Date and Time of the next Meeting.

Input from members may be requested by the chair and members may indicate by raising their hand that they would like to speak on an agenda item. Members are expected to adhere to the SCPS Code of Conduct at all times thus ensuring that meetings proceed in an orderly, fair and equitable manner.

Members may also speak to other matters during the “Any Other Business” section of the meeting. However if the item is of a significant matter they are encouraged to notify either the President or the committee member responsible for that area of the Society’s business and request the addition of the item to the agenda prior to the meeting.